Jo Spirit Designs

Solving problems beautifully.

Design is empowering, you have the opportunity to create the life you want. You have the power!

-Fana Saucier


“Where there is no vision, there is no hope”

-George Washington Carver   


You may not have space for an entry way table but give a tray a try. 


Bathroom renovations are no joke. Don’t worry, we’ll help you out.  

Stay In The Know

You are here

Welcome to our space for total creative expression. Design is all about understanding your self and embracing that

Vision Boards

It's all about the vision!


Bold Backsplash

Custom backsplashes are one of the best ways to add a custom look at a low cost.


Bathrooms 101

Looking to update your bathroom? Read this!

How To's

From TikTok to tech sites there are endless places to find tutorials for anything under the sun. We figured if you can’t beat em’ join em’. Our “how to” series is a must read and features our favorite tips on projects around your home


Bathroom renovations are no joke. Don’t worry, we’ll help you out.